Wednesday, October 15, 2008

GPS Car Tracking

GPS Car Tracking

Will GPS Car Tracking Stop a Thief?
GPS car tracking devices can find a car, but they cannot recover a car for you once it's been stolen. GPS car tracking systems are primarily for tracking your car to keep tabs on it.

GPS car tracking is very efficient for parents keeping a leash on their kids, for employers to stay on top of their road-based employees' schedules, or for people who simply want to see where family and friends are. If your car is stolen, all is not lost. The LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery system helps police track and recover your vehicle before it's too late.

GPS Car Tracking or LoJack and the Police?
GPS car tracking systems simply don't work in the case of theft. Thieves are too wise to the technology and know how to disable it immediately or shortly after they've stolen your vehicle.

What makes the difference? The answer is the LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System. LoJack is the only Vehicle Recovery System that works hand in hand with local Police forces to track your vehicle and recover it after it has been stolen. LoJack is efficient and effective – in many instances, Police can track and recover your car within hours of when it was reported stolen.

LoJack vs. GPS Car Tracking Signals
The reason LoJack vehicle tracking works so well is the Tracking Signal Technology the company developed. The LoJack Stolen Vehicle Recovery System uses Radio Frequency signals, while GPS car tracking systems use microwave signals.

The Police can track and recover a Radio Frequency signal almost anywhere. Police can track and recover your stolen vehicle in a garage, heavy brush and even when within a concrete building. Police and LoJack have more than a 90 percent success rate because of this Signal Technology. GPS car tracking is inferior to LoJack due to GPS's reliance on microwave signals, which cannot be "seen" as clearly as LoJack's Radio Frequency technology.

The Secret to LoJack's Success
When you file a stolen vehicle report, the police activate the LoJack Transmitter hidden in your vehicle. The LoJack Unit sends out a silent Code allowing specially equipped Police Tracking Computers to track and recover your stolen vehicle. Many times within a few hours. Unfortunately, GPS car tracking cannot accomplish the same feat. LoJack is the only company on the market that works hand in hand with local Police forces, making its product the only choice for stolen vehicle recovery.

Get the Details on LoJack Vehicle Recovery Systems
LoJack is the no. 1 Stolen Vehicle Recovery System on the market. Accept no GPS recovery substitute. Use the Dealer Locator to find your nearest LoJack dealer for a Consumer or Commercial Recovery System.

Check your home-state insurance discount listing. Some insurance companies offer as much as a 35 percent discount when your vehicle is equipped with LoJack.

Want more proof? Visit the page of Automotive Recovery success stories and read why LoJack is a necessity for your car.

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